This is my graduation project blog to graduate from City High in 2010.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Back to the Grind...

Well, it's back to Grad Project class for me and 31 of my closest friends. I don't think I'm prepared, well... that's a lie, I know I'm not prepared. Anyway, I am going to work as quickly and efficiently as I can today to finish what was supposed to be done in 11th grade. Who doesn't love the catch-up game? So, this is the end of the post for today so that I can work on those things that need completed as soon as possible. Later, kiddies.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We have a format for today's blog. And while I'm pretty glad we normally don't have it this way, it does make it moderately convenient.

In the proposal, I am officially done with the introduction. And I've been told that Dr. Wertheimer can be pretty judgemental of every proposal placed upon his desk and so I've been trying to reread anything written from his perspective.

Today, I accomplished pretty much the same, I wrote the introduction.

And my next step? Finish the rest of the proposal and set some general dates for the project.

And now, I'm off because today is Wednesday, and of course, Wednesday is pizza day.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A tad late.

It's been a few days... possibly weeks since I've updated this here blog. But I promise, from today onward I will attempt a twice-weekly updated blog. Not sure if this will happen but, eh, a kid can dream, right? Perhaps I'll make Tuesdays and Thursdays the blogging days. Sounds good to me, considering today is Thursday.

Anyways. I'm working on my "Did you know?" questions. I'm attempting to find some type of another question to answer for it.

Also, I started an organization chart to organize my entire project.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Collage! Oh the dreaded collage.

"Showcase your talents, Cabaret." Well. That was the best slogan I could think of.

That's it. That's my idea for the collage.
Also, I think I'm done with numbering the days I post. I've lost count due to the lack of updating.
By the way, click the image, and get it full size! Hurray!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Day Twelve/Thirteen.

I'm going to combine these days. Yesterday I was so busy, that I had no time whatsoever to post in this here blog.

Anyhow, yesterday I looked for places that I could rent in Pittsburgh. None of the websites have prices, so i made a word document of all the phone numbers and addresses. So far, I have two places. A great start, I know.

So today I plan on looking for more spaces, due to the fact that to know how much money I have to earn, I need to know how much it will cost me.

So, that's yesterday and today. And perhaps I'll edit this blog later with more information.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day Eleven.

Today was fundraiser day. I searched high and low across the interwebs to find a good fundraiser for my project.

I was thinking a bake sale at first. I know plenty of kids that can help, and a whole drama club most likely willing to get involved.
Then, after the bake sale, I would find another fundraiser we could do. (In reality I wouldn't actually wait until after the bake sale, I'd find it months in advance.) Anyways, the next fundraiser would be something like Subway cards or the like.

Also, by this time, auditioners will have already been judged. They will also help in the bake sale and Subway card-selling.

That's what I found today. I found quite a few websites with ideas and stores to buy the Subway cards off of them, but I'm thinking to just ask Subway. Who knows? Maybe something else will come up tomorrow.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Day Ten. (This is where the beginning of Beethoven's 5th comes in.)

Got some work done today. That's about it.

Eh. We'll see how all of this goes.
But I'm gonna stay positive!