This is my graduation project blog to graduate from City High in 2010.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Day Twelve/Thirteen.

I'm going to combine these days. Yesterday I was so busy, that I had no time whatsoever to post in this here blog.

Anyhow, yesterday I looked for places that I could rent in Pittsburgh. None of the websites have prices, so i made a word document of all the phone numbers and addresses. So far, I have two places. A great start, I know.

So today I plan on looking for more spaces, due to the fact that to know how much money I have to earn, I need to know how much it will cost me.

So, that's yesterday and today. And perhaps I'll edit this blog later with more information.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day Eleven.

Today was fundraiser day. I searched high and low across the interwebs to find a good fundraiser for my project.

I was thinking a bake sale at first. I know plenty of kids that can help, and a whole drama club most likely willing to get involved.
Then, after the bake sale, I would find another fundraiser we could do. (In reality I wouldn't actually wait until after the bake sale, I'd find it months in advance.) Anyways, the next fundraiser would be something like Subway cards or the like.

Also, by this time, auditioners will have already been judged. They will also help in the bake sale and Subway card-selling.

That's what I found today. I found quite a few websites with ideas and stores to buy the Subway cards off of them, but I'm thinking to just ask Subway. Who knows? Maybe something else will come up tomorrow.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Day Ten. (This is where the beginning of Beethoven's 5th comes in.)

Got some work done today. That's about it.

Eh. We'll see how all of this goes.
But I'm gonna stay positive!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Day Nine.

As you can see, I've added a term or two to the brand spankin' new "Key Terms" list!

That's about it today. I call that quite a considerable amount of progress.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day Eight.

I've decided the best way to see how a cabaret night runs, is to possibly go to a cabaret night. Good thinking, right? That's what I thought.

And fortunately, every single weeknight and Saturday nights, there is cabaret at CLO cabaret. Perhaps one of these days at 10:15 on a Saturday night I will attend the Late Night Cabaret... though you may have to be 21. Eh. Well see.

Maybe a few high school talent shows would do the trick?

I have yet to find a charity to donate all money earned to. And I have yet to find a way to actually earn the money to rent a space, rent equipment, and so on and so forth.

It's going to be rather difficult. But I think I can do it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day Seven.

Today is a new day. And a good one at that. I am no longer being a student conductor. Though it sounds like a fantastic idea.

This new one is even better.

I'm going to plan AND run a cabaret night.

It's like a talent show, but better. The acts will be auditioned and rehearsals will be scheduled.

I think this one is definitely gonna work. =]

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day Six.

Yesterday was a day of pure insight. An ephiphany hit me like someone had directly told me to my face what I was going to do for my project.

Actually, it was sort of like that... and when I say sort of, that's what it was. Mr. Sable asked me what I had planned for my grad project so far. I told him like it was: nothing. He asked me if I wanted to do something with music. I told him like it was again: possibly. He asked me what I had in mind. Again, the whole truth: maybe something with guitar. He gave me a look (Not a bad look, just a "I don't know what to do with guitar" look.), and then said the idea that lit the fuse to my brain. The fuse that led directly to what I had wanted to do this whole time, but never knew it.

"Were you thinking something like student conductor? Because that's possible."

That's it. That's what he said that made me want to run upstairs to the 11th floor and grab a megaphone to make sure Ms. Savido would hear the next sentence:

Unfortunately, my bus was coming and I had to go. Plus I couldn't find Ms. Savido... or a megaphone.

But here I am now with the same thought in my head. Yet I still haven't told Ms. Savido. I'm sure she'll be glad to hear I have any idea at all... but I don't know how she'll take the actual idea. I think it's a good one. And a possible one at that.

Either way, I'm ready for it. I'll go tell her right now.

Ok well, not NOW. She's talking to someone else. But soon.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day Five.

Well, I have now come to an utter and complete standstill.

My topic well has run dry, and I don't believe the idea truck is arriving anytime soon.

Actually, I guess my well was never that full in the first place.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day Four.

I have officially come the realization that I have still no clue what I am going to do for this project. I have also come to discover that my topics that I just considered on Monday, don't form themselves into to "projects" like I had hoped.
So, I've decided. I will just wait one more day. Hopefully, while I'm sitting at dinner tonight, a thought will smack me upside the head and I will realize that this has always been my topic and I was meant to do it.

Unfortunately, these kinds of epiphanies don't always hit you like that.

And I don't think buttering bread while eating chicken is going to spark any new ideas in my head anytime soon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day Three.

I very possibly may have almost, sort of, but not really ideas for my graduation project:

Music, psychology, or linguistics.

Technically, those are three very broad and non-descriptive topics, but it's better than what I had come up with over the past few days. Right?

Anyways. In the music sense... I don't have a clue of what i could do with that. In the psychology sense: microexpressions or physiognomy. In linguistics, I was thinking of either the study of lexis or sociolinguistics. But there is also psycholingustics which is conveniently a combination of psychology and linguistics.

As for the idea from Ms. Watson, I would love to do it... just not as my entire graduation topic.

For those of you who haven't realized it though, my ideas still don't "produce" a graduation project. None of those are topics that something comes to mind right away that I could perform in the community.

Perhaps I should pick a topic that actually...
makes sense.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Day Two.

Today is day two in the graduating class of 2010 manhunt for topics. An official deadline for between one and three topics has been set: Friday, September 12, 2008 .

Friday. That's 5 days.
That's very little time for someone who has never been able to make this big of a decision.
Being only 16-years-old, I haven't made many earth-shaking choices. (Unless choosing alfredo over red sauce on my spaghetti has changed the world around me somehow.)

Ms. Savido actually called me out, though. She was asking me what I would like to do. I gave it a nice, long thought, and came up with... nothing.
Luckily, the wonderful Ms. Savido had spoken to Ms. Watson, and Ms. Watson, being the advisor of the century, had an idea. (And no, I'm not just being polite because these teachers will most likely read my blog. I'm doing it because... ok, I'm mainly doing it because they may read this and they can think of ideas that will have never crossed my mind.)
Getting back to the idea Ms. Watson had, she wants me to help her decide on the twelfth grade English curriculum. I would do so by helping read books and make sure they fit into the theme that she has set. At least, I think that's how it is... well, that's how I imagined it in my mind while Ms. Savido explained the whole thing.

I think it's a great idea. I love to read. Oh, and I also like to try and place books into similar categories according to their writing styles, themes, settings, and motifs... or not. But I wouldn't mind it. It actually seems very interesting. But I'm not sure if I can find a way to build a project out of it.

I don't want to decide too soon though. I hoping to come up with a decent list of topics/possible projects this week, and then decide on them between Wednesday and Thursday night.

I mean, c'mon, there are a ton of intersting and fascinating and enriching topics out there.

I just haven't found one yet.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Day One. (Add dramatic sound effect/music here.)

Actually, the title is a lie. We started yesterday, but unfortunately my computer died and I lost my post. So, I've titled this one as "Day One," as well. Today (Yesterday) we started these here blogs and posted to a series of questions about blogging on the main 2010 grad project site. And today, (Really, I mean today this time.) we are all working hard at deciding on what we will be basing our graduation projects on.

So far I've come up with quite few things. Here's a list:

1) There's nothing here if you couldn't tell...

That's about it so far.

Anyways, now that you see that I've some up with absolutely nothing, I'm going to attempt to scrounge up a few ideas to use for the project that will make or break my high school career.

(And yes, I am aware that, technically, that is the improper use of "scrounge." Thanks, folks.)